Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Episode 15 - Der Erlkönig

We go full-on classical with this quick Halloween episode as we explore the dark, German woods in "Der Erlkönig".  Just when did I even hear this song? Why is Der Erlkönig so obsessed with this kid? Can I fit more ghost-wails into the show? How did I get so many umlauts into my text? All this and more!

Please very much enjoy! OOOOOOOOOOO!

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Monday, October 26, 2015

Episode 15 Preview - Der Erlkönig

We take a break before the conclusion of our love-centric episodes with a spooooky Halloween treat, "Der Erlkönig", with music by Franz Schubert and lyrics (i.e., the original poem) by Johann von Goethe.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Episode 14 - Inside of Love

We understand the beginning, middle, and ending of love. But what happens before all of that? Delving "Inside of Love" we discuss the sadness of leaving a fantasy world, the surprise of telepathically sharing imagery, and why men get less pity than women. Live from a hard drive and under a blanket! Well, at least that's what this week's wonky audio sounds like.

Please very much enjoy!

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Monday, October 19, 2015

Episode 14 Preview - Inside of Love

Trying for a month of songs about the various aspects of love, we get to the sad part of the equation as featured in Nada Surf's song "Inside of Love".

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Episode 13 - Hands Down

No one's gonna steal my thunder as, in true teenager fashion, I create a self-centered podcast bubble in which my opinion is the only one that matters because I'm the only one talking about "Hands Down".  Plus, the secret origins of my marriage.

Please very much enjoy!

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Monday, October 12, 2015

Episode 13 Preview - Hands Down

Forgetting it's a three-day weekend, I treated today as Sunday meaning I'm late on my Monday post.  As apology, I'm making this post extra special in that I'm writing it while thinking fondly of you, the audience.  I am nothing if not a romantic.  And, to continue that sentiment, this week's episode features the Dashboard Confessional classic "Hands Down".

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Episode 12 - Epilogue of Fun Facts

It's always nice when these things write themselves and, to be honest, just watch this excellent video at the AV Club to hear Ben Folds talk about "The Luckiest" in great detail.  If you'd like to see Ben Folds do a full performance of the song, here he is playing on the Queen Latifah show.

Did you know "The Luckiest" was supposed to be on the soundtrack of not one, but two movies? It finally made it into "About Time", a movie that I vaguely remember the poster of.  But it did lead to this nice clip from the director talking about "The Luckiest".

Unrelated to Ben Folds, I found myself going down the rabbit hole of WatchMojo Top 10 videos including cheesiest songs of the 00s and songs that make you cry.  I didn't see Ben on either list.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Episode 12 - The Luckiest

A very romantic discussion of how even old fogies deserve a special song about relationships.  Is it possible to say the word love more than we do in the next 25+ minutes of podcast? NEVER!

Please very much enjoy!

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Monday, October 5, 2015

Episode 12 Preview - The Luckiest

Love is all around this week as we discuss the anti-love song love song "The Luckiest" by Ben Folds.  Try not to cry as you listen to this one folks.

Friday, October 2, 2015